Thank you! I'm very proud of them. Places come and go in Dallas a lot. It's neat that they've been around so long. We've survived through a bunch of stuff, including an owner's death (RIP Richard), and it's cool that it's just as popular as ever.
I'm also really happy for Charlie, since he was struggling for a while there.
I keep picturing a pack of sugar-coma-ed people staggering in down the sidewalk, icing smears on their faces, moaning
Seperate post to say congrats to Mac!
Sometimes I wonder if when Annabel is 19 and home for the summer after her freshman year in college, I'm still going to want to look in, just to make sure she's OK and hasn't kicked all the covers off and because she looks so peaceful when she's asleep.
My mom would have had to cover up me and DH so I'm really glad parents lose that urge.
Timelies all!
Yay Mac!
Happy half-birthday to Grace and Noah!
You shared a bed with your BF at home, Cash? I so don't come from that accepting a family.
My father flat out stated he'd let a son of his share a bed with a GF, but not the other way round.
Still, I'm sufficiently traumatised by the very idea that I'd never do it.
We (my twin and I) are the youngest of five. Once my mom and dad had been through three teenagers, we'd given them far fewer problems and since we in a serious relationship, they didn't forbid it. I don't think they were overjoyed but they understood we lived an hour apart and knew we were sleeping in the same dorm room every night while at school. They're realists, I think.
DH's parents were not so liberal minded with the sleeping arrangments.
Yeah, my parents NSM with the realism. And I'm okay with that.
My mom and step-dad were ok with it, my dad...probably still thinks we don't sleep in the same bed. (This is the man who got us a room with twin beds for our honeymoon)