Using advanced techniques such as Web spidering, link analysis, content analysis, authorship analysis, sentiment analysis and multimedia analysis, Chen and his team can find, catalogue and analyze extremist activities online.
Okay, I know this was yesterday and all, but I just wanted to weigh in on this, cause if they can manage Web-based authorship analysis, I want they should TELL ME. Cause that's what my Master's project was about, and I had zero luck with it.
I had no idea until hearing the premise from the show that the US had a sizable sugar cane industry.
It's a lot bigger than it deserves to be, because it's heavily subsidized by the government.
Cause that's what my Master's project was about, and I had zero luck with it.
I had forgotten your topic! Sorry to hear it didn't pan out the way you wanted.
I have had the phrase "degrade gracefully" stuck in my head since yesterday, and I've now worked out both why (my eye makeup degrades gracefully--crying doesn't mess it up, or at least does it with symmetry), and where it's from (HTML). Being a geek can be hard.
Shrift, which space is that show in? Is it the one straight ahead from the lobby doors?
Yep. At least, it was at the press opening.
(my eye makeup degrades gracefully--crying doesn't mess it up, or at least does it with symmetry)
Are you using the blinc Kiss Me mascara? I love that stuff!!!
Are you using the blinc Kiss Me mascara? I love that stuff!!!
Now that I don't rub so it gets in my eyes, I love it too. My eye makeup is mostly invisible (shading to make my eyes look deeper), so it falls apart quite neatly.
Okay--remember that hour at a time thing? First hour is over and done with.
::muted booyah!::
Go ita! on the non-head-pain thing.
I almost don't want to say anything out of fear of jinxing it....
"degrade gracefully"
I've been looking for that phrase! I meant to file it next to "planned obsolescence" but couldn't remember the "degrade" part. Thank you!
It needs to be lunchtime sooner.
It needs to be hometime sooner.