So today is the appt to get mac's foot/leg brace (YAY!) and so I am working from home (already logged on) so as to maximize the amount of time 1. my job sucks the life out of me. 2. I appear to be a SUPER dedicated employee rather than one that has missed numerous half days this summer. 3. that I am NOT on NYC transit. So of course we have no hot water in the building and it is forecast torain this afternoon.
F it, I am NOT squleching an all too rare goodish mood.
To do by noon: call Dr for mac note that is 2 weeks late, call car service for trip to hinter-Queens for brace, call insurace to ask why the %^$%! my BC cost doubled, review 3 projects for work and detail next steps on each.
World's most expensive dessert:
The Fortress Sri Lanka, an award winning luxury resort in Galle has created the most expensive dessert in the world. Priced at $14,500 ‘The Fortress Stilt Fisherman Indulgence’ is an effort by the resort’s culinary team to create a one of a kind dessert that is intrinsically linked with the destination, offering both long lasting memories and a keepsake of the experience.
Available on special request, the dessert’s inspiration comes from the resort’s logo of the ‘stilt fisherman’, a centuries old fishing practice that can still be seen along the country’s coastline even today.
A combination of a gold leaf Italian kasata, flavoured with Irish cream and served with a mango and pomegranate compote and a bubbly-based sabayon enlighten, forms the mouthwatering base of this delicious desert, however, the finishing touch is the 80-carat aquamarine stone nestled on the handmade chocolate stilt fisherman.
How much gold leaf would one need to eat before one was poisoned?
however, the finishing touch is the 80-carat aquamarine stone nestled on the handmade chocolate stilt fisherman.
I hope you get to keep it.
Crap, I heard people talking about Private Practice, but I didn't realize it was the Addison show. I guess I'll have to add it to my TIvo a week late.
So, the first glance estimate on my car was $8K to repair, but the specifically does not include electronices and so on - just body work. The car is supposedly worth $20K (that's the low value) and I owe 18K. Anyone know how much the repair cost has to get to before I get a new car? (or have any experience with this. I haven't been in a car accident in 16 years)
I am sorry, Stephanie, I have no car advice-- my non-running car is worth $200!
Also- am I crazy or did the owner of the practice used to be played by Merrin Dungey and is now played by Victoria Rowland? It was confusing, and I think Merrin did a better job.
Audra McDonald replaced Merrin Dungey.
Yes, they re-cast the part.
I have to say, that I'm going to bail on PP - just didn't like it. I did enjoy Dirty Sexy Money. That was fun. Even though I watched it this morning after a night of disturbed sleep thanks to a cat who kept vomitting and vomitting.
Do you think that cats find canned food easier to digest? I'm thinking of getting him a little just to see if he can handle it better.
I thought it was a different actress too, Sophia.