steal from a zoo
red panda
ita - I wish wishes did anything. I wish someone in your medical parcel had a decent suggestion of a path to follow. I wish you had a constantly available support and that you were comfortable with leaning as much as you needed in the large sense, not just for the moment.
I think mostly they don't think it is a turn-on. They think it is a way to easily humiliate their target. That's why I like to disarm with a friendly reply!
I've never gotten some of these mean things yelled at me, but I've gotten the catcall thing a million times, and I hate it. I hate it because it's scary. It's scary to think of five guys in a car who don't understand boundaries and decency, who are fixated on you for some reason. And that if they decide it would be "fun" for whatever reason to escalate the behavior, there's very little that I can do, since there are five of them and they have a car. And that's scary. That said, I am in my 20s, and I've never yelled at people out my window, though I have indicated to them that there's something on their roof. If I can get their attention, they're usually grateful.
ita, I'm so sorry about your headaches. I've had absolutely awful ones, where I was sobbing from the pain, and I HATE drugs. I just don't react well with them. Excedrin is one thing, but anything stronger than that just freaks me out, and I don't like it. Once I had a headache that was so bad that I don't think I was even coherent when people were trying to talk to me, and my mom actually had to physically force me to take this pill that a neurologist had described as something that "should help, and so long as you don't take one whenever you've just had a bad day or whatever, you shouldn't become addicted." So, essentially, it was a pill I personally never ever wanted to take, knowing my feelings on drugs. However, my mom couldn't take seeing me in that much pain, so she forced it on me, hoping that it would help. It didn't. It just made the room spin faster, and made me see even more colors, even when my eyes were shut. It was absolutely awful. Then, a different time, she had this guy she was seeing who was a massage therapist come over and give me a massage to help relieve the tension. That was pretty awful too, since it didn't help much at all, and I had to force myself to be polite and grateful and coherent, since I was kind of worried about how my mom would react if I didn't seem better from the experience. I also had yet another experience, in college, where I had a migraine for five days straight. I couldn't sleep, I barely ate, it was horrible. And by day five I had to do a monologue for a class where I was supposed to be giddy and in love (it was filmed), and I looked like death warmed over, and I clearly wasn't even trying. I honestly can't say that I know what you're going through, but I feel like I can vaguely imagine, and so if you ever need a ride, I'd be more than happy to take you, with no judgment whatsoever about the experience. I promise.
Even if you did only drive me home the one time, and got us lost while doing so.
I'm watching Private Practice. I don't buy the set up.
ita, I'm so sorry to hear you are on your way back to the ER.
I'm watching Private Practice. I don't buy the set up.
Mhmm agreed. Dirty Sex Money though has total potential
ita, I hope the ER visit goes ok. Sorry you have to go back.
I watched Bionic Woman and Life tonight. Interesting but don't know if they'll be enough to make the cut.
Stupid laptop had issues and it took me 15 minutes to connect to the net.
DH is leaving from work tomorrow for central Wisconsin for a job interview. I'm torn about the possibility. DH is looking for more interesting work, and the money would be a HUGE bump. And the cost of living would be a lot lower. But it means moving back to a small town from a city and farther North than we're used to.
I got yelled at by a female in a Volvo today. And she was the one about to hit ME. Apparently I'm insane with my driving straight and watching where I'm going ways.
hmm I watched DSM for no good reason (I hadn't planned on it and other things needed doing) and I was just about to post how I am glad it didn't catch my interest since I don't have time for the shows I already think I want to watch.
Aye, DSM was quite intriguing. I'm looking forward to next week...and unlike most shows I watch it doesn't come on at the same time I get out of work. Shiny!
I've watched way too much tv in the last week and now I want to stop.
I have a yappy little Yorkie in my living room, who refuses to eat kibble and is sleeping on the shepherd's bed. Tomorrow she goes to the pound, since I will be out of town for the weekend, and I'm sure her owners can locate her, if they bother to try.
PSA: people, get your pets chipped. If you don't chip, make sure they wear a collar and tags. No way in hell should an unspayed adult purebred dog be wandering the neighborhood without any identification. Really, no dog, purebred or not, but I'm assuming someone spent a lot of money on this little critter and means to breed her--so why haven't they tried to protect their investment?