Want to come with me to the ER? I'm about to call a cab. All passengers ride for the price of one.
I'm such a 'fraidy cat about this. I could have gone hours ago, but first I didn't want to miss more work. Then I didn't want to go straight from work because I was too fried to be able to handle the waiting room stress. So I came home and lay about like it had a chance in hell of fixing anything (I've woken up in the early morning twice in a row into a major migraine) because my accustomed ride can't join me in the ER until 9.
It's not just about the ride. I don't like being alone when I get the shots--or at least I don't like him not being there. With other company, as valued as it is, I can't stop myself from working too hard to behave normally, which (as Polgara can attest) involves me talking a lot, quickly, loudly, and not always with trains of thought anyone but me can follow.
Last time I went in the drugs I already don't like didn't work, so ride suggests I go for a heavier hitter. Want even less to be solo for that, but he has a point.
Okay, enough whinging. Butching up, calling cab.
Oh god, ita. I seriously cannot even imagine. I wish you good doctors and nurses and etc.
I just got discharged Sunday! This is insane. I feel there's a point where I get to say "Okay, I'm so done. This is more than I can handle." Not sensing the opportunity, I'm afraid. Back in the same stupid hospital, just in the basement instead of the headache section.
I wish there was anything I could do. Bah. NOT ON, migraines!!
it is insane, ita. are the doctors even attempting to figure out what's causing these or are they just treating you for the pain? i cannot imagine the pain you are having to endure. i'm so sorry.
There are a few more things they can try, tiggy. At least that's what he says.
Treating me for the pain only lasts a week if I grit my teeth. And then they tell me not to wait 4 days before coming in. 4??? I thought I was being weak at 4. I judge myself harshly if I come in twice in one week. I'm aiming to get back to once a month. Or, you know, never.
I vote never!
What's goofy is I've been trying to rate my current headache, and I think I give it a 2. Or 3. So it's like I can kind of imagine what a 9 would be, but not even.
There are a few more things they can try, tiggy. At least that's what he says.
Remember that article that talked about a connection between heart defects and migraines. My dad always had headaches, not quite migraines (though migraines run in his family) but he was telling me at supper that he hasn't had a headache since he had heart surgery.
here's hoping the next thing they try is your miracle cure, ita. i've definitely had headaches that i could categorize as a 9 or a 10, but i absolutely cannot imagine having one of that caliber every day.
I assume that one of ita's 9.5 headaches would make the time I got hit in the face with a rebar feel like a minor boo-boo by comparison. I've gone to the ER a couple of times for specific tissue-damaging injuries, but I've never felt pain bad enough for an extended period that I needed hospitalization for the pain itself.