Isn't that the best story ever?? I keep picturing the kid wrangling the penguin into his backpack.
You wouldn't happen to know the species, would you? I need to get the mental image right. This is going to occupy the majority of my afternoon, and I'd hate to get it wrong.
Shrift, those glasses really look hot on you. Not that I get a vote, but I really approve of your choice.
You wouldn't happen to know the species, would you?
According to the zoo's web site, they have Humboldt penguins. I didn't see any other species listed, so I guess that must be it.
OK, that kid? Has the best story ever. I hope he grows up to be a zoologist and care for penguins legitmately. Or be a vet. My cousin and her husband are vets up at an Air Force base in Washington state and he (working for the AF) gets quite a few exotics. Probably no penguins, though. They are both glad of their surgical intern-trips to China. They got to deal with a lot of exotics. Including pandas!
I'm taping Private Practice and watching (distractedly while I'm at the computer) Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares.
I hate to burst y'alls penguin stealing bubble, but that story is an urban legend. I would have believed it myself, if I hadn't heard it before:
I hate to burst y'alls penguin stealing bubble
bubble burster!!! man, that was an adorable story.
bubble burster!!!
I know! I feel like I just told you that there was no Santa.
So my parents arrived in town today to visit my uncle, who had cancer surgery yesterday. I met them after work and we went to a Greek place near the hospital for supper. And who should be sitting in the booth beside us? My parent's neighbors from my hometown. Who were up visiting a friend in the hospital and were out to supper with their daughter.