Happy birthday Matilda!
I mean seriously if someone said that to me that I knew AT ALL, they would get "who the fuck says rude shit like that?" and I'd walk away. If I didn't know them, on most days I wouldn't care. If I was caught on a bad day I would engage in screaming insults at them.
Ignoring those sorts of people really is the best option, because (IMO) all they're trying to do is make themselves feel better by being cruel to others. Of course, I have been known to walk up to those sorts and do my best wide-eyed, dumb, and grateful routine.
"Oh my gosh, I never realized it! You're so right! Thank you for pointing that out to me!"
(This is especially fun to do to the people who feel the need to tell me that
"Halloween is over, freak!")
But I try not to indulge in that sort of response very often.
Shrift, those are very nice glasses. And should I just buy the episode of L.A. Ink from iTunes sight-unseen? I'm assuming yes.
it's almost always guys in a pickup truck or an SUV (and yeah - usually 20-somethings).
They hang out in groups of five because they have a fifth of a personality each.
t /Izzard
occasional yells and gestures when trying to tell another driver that he has a flat tire or his coffee cup is on top of the car.
I have been known to completely ignore nice people like Ginger who are trying to tell me that my purse is on my car because I figure they are really going to insult me!
usually 20-somethings
I think 20's are the new teens, or something! Except with the faux-politness which is my most hated way of someone being mean. I almost killed this kid on my bus once who was being all faux polite to this mentally challenged woman and then snickering with his friends. I didn't know whether I felt bad or good that the woman probably didn't understand she was being made fun of, and was probably happy to talk to someone about her job and how her day was.
I didn't know whether I felt bad or good that the woman probably didn't understand she was being made fun of, and was probably happy to talk to someone about her job and how her day was.
Man, this makes me so, so sad.
I have to say that I kinda love being fake polite mean, but it is only to the kind of people you are describing Sophia. Jackholes who never learned manners or decency draw out my mean.
Hey! I am a twenty-something who wouldn't shout at a person in the street! And I don't remember ever being shouted at, although I have been flashed a couple of times.
Jars, omg you are Connected to the World! Where are you? Still out in the countryside?
Jilli, are you feeling better?
I have nothing to add to the conversation about how to respond to mean people. I think the last time it happened to me I just did my icy death stare, which really is an almost unconscious response for me.
Reading that Times article made me think that Dr. Atkins was somewhere smiling. He never really came up with anything
just stuck with the old logic that everyone else had rejected.
This summer when I did my first six weeks of MMA I was a VERY good girl. I ate junk precisely four times (three fries, one desert) and worked out like crazy... and I lost three whole pounds.
I got much more muscular and my clothes all got bigger. I realize I was pretty much putting on muscle at the same rate I was dropping fat but it was a little bit discouraging nonetheless.
Of course, the nice part came when I took a week off to go on vacation and even though I ate like a horse who eats fried pork products and only managed to swim twice I only put on two pounds. Muscle at rest DOES burn more calories after all...
But I muscle up quickly, not everybody does that. The exercise advantages are clearly energy and focus and strength and flexibility... but the weight loss is fairly round-about.
And not to be both sexist and agist, I can imagine that coming from 16 year old boys more than adult women.
Actually, women can be savage to other women.
but the thing is, even if you think it is a moral failing, do you yell at people on the street for it? I rarely comment on anyone's moral character unless asked, and even then, I am pretty circumspect!
See, *real* moral failings are much harder to criticize from a car window: "You claim to be in favor of a working wage and affordable health insurance for everyone, but I saw you shopping at Wal-Mart, which clearly contradicts your previously stated beliefs!"
That would have to be one really sloooooow drive-by.