More amusingly, I think the only thing anyone's ever shouted out of a car at me was one time in high school someone called me and my mom "Lesbos!!!" when we kissed goodbye on the street.
This cracks me up! Actually, I think I am just confused by the impetus to shout anything out your car window to anyone, unless a) they are on fire or otherwise in danger or b) they just cut in front of you. And if a person has cut in front of me, I am much more likely to mutter under my breath!
They are grown-up versions of kids who used to yell out the bus at me-- "Hey, do you know you are ugly?!?"
they really are except they haven't grown up at all.
My favorite random thing yelled out a car at me was "Why don't you act like you know?" from a dude who was at impatient behind me at a drive up p.o. box. What did he mean??? Who knows? But I totally incorporated it into my insult bank.
The only thing I've ever yelled from a car window was "Cause you gots the flavah!" What? I was drunk and the dude driving had a bullhorn in the car.
Actually, I think I am just confused by the impetus to shout anything out your car window to anyone,
I yelled out a car window at some local teens having a completely stupid fight on the street. I can't remember what I yelled though. It was post-bar time and I was rather loaded (I was a passenger!) but I know it was hilarious (to me and my companions at the time anyway).
ETA BWAH, GC! Drunk car yellin' xpost
Now, I am not upset, really, but it has stuck with me all day and night, in terms of wondering-- what makes people so mean?
I don't understand random attacks of malice. I can kind of understand when a person thinks he's been wronged in some way and hits cranky overload, but being verbally assaulted just because I'm standing there? WTF, dude.
My favorite random thing yelled out a car at me was "Why don't you act like you know?" from a dude who was at impatient behind me at a drive up p.o. box. What did he mean??? Who knows?
You totally didn't know! That's why you couldn't act like it.
And if you don't know, now you know.
I gained weight when I was training karate six days a week and the guys around me were all plotting ways to get more calories into themselves or they'd lose weight. One guy drank sweetened condensed milk. When we went out to eat after training, I had a plain hamburger and they had "supersize the whole menu."
When I was in college, I was one of those "desperately trying to gain weight, and failing" people. (I was 6' 3" and 145 lbs.) Now, NSM. I should lose some weight, but it's somewhat alien to my way of thinking so I haven't accomplished much in that direction.
I think the only time I've had something yelled at me was when a carload of college girls drove by and one yelled, "Gain some weight!"
And knowing is half the battle.