Roanoke's Slam scene imploded otherwise I'd still be active. I did regionals and nationals in 2000, some of the most fun I've ever had.
I think we're made entirely of quirks and oddities.
I've never felt comfortable hiding in the ample forests of normal people.
Roanoke's Slam scene imploded otherwise I'd still be active.
I think they all went to Croatan.
It's free, even after being taken over by
Can anyone else who's not a member of access the site?
I'm going to blame it on the multiple drugs Hubby's on. He's watching the Spanish-language video music channel--end enjoying it. Not that he speaks a lick of Spanish.
I got stuck on that channel yesterday. There was an anti-USA vid that seemed to be made out of paper cuts that was really captivating.
I think they all went to Croatan.
There are SO many people I wish could go back and habitate Roanoke Island.
Did anyone watch Reaper? I really liked it.
I did! And it was awesomecakes!
I adore
Ray Wise as Satan so much.
ME TOO, on the whitefont!
I like the best friend, in a hope I don't have to start watching him from the hall way.
Can anyone else who's not a member of access the site?
Yes. I don't subscribe to They want a lot more money than I'm willing to pay.
The only downside I've discovered so far is that stuff I post on Rootsweb ends up on Ancestry too.