Morning! OK, not technically morning, but...I did managed to get up ten minutes before morning was gone! And I'm still drinking my coffee (though I finished my eggs) So I say it's still morning, as I catch up.
I went to a strip club for the very first time, last night! It was not sexy. However, it was also not as skeevy as I had feared it would be. Highlight of the evening was when my friend Ken bought our other friend a lapdance, and we got to watch, and couldn't keep a straight face or contain our laughter. (The girl was my favorite--she had fabulous (non-strippery) boots!)
Tim Gunn's Top 10:
Hmm. I think I have all his things (though I could use a better LBD) except I do not have a trenchcoat, but I was thinking of getting one. I need some kind of raincoaty thing, don't I? Moving to Seattle? How does one distinguish a raincoat that is going to at least marginally repel water from a trenchcoat which won't? I see them in the stores, and think they don't look like they'd keep any water off...but I dont' want like, a rubber one, either.
I really don't get Tim's list. This is my list of essentials not including everything I wear to work every day, right?
OK, but essentials doesn't mean you can't have other things. It just means among the things you have, you need these.
Just found Theresa Weiler on Facebook, and for those of you who go back that far (bon and shrift especially), she's a mother of two and seems very cheery
Aww, yay! That's nice to hear.
10. Exfoliator.
Of COURSE this is on Erin's list. Hee! I was in the shower the other day, and about to use some scrub stuff, and thought of you and your exfoliated ass! :)
ask if people who thought black was okay to wear to a wedding would think it's okay to wear to a 5pm November wedding, but you know what? I think I will ask the bride.
Smart woman, ita!
Oooh! When can I meet Dylan? Plus, time away from the family visiting your friend in her new place if necessary.
Oh! I was all about to be "ooh, I want to too!" and then realized I'll be ACROSS THE COUNTRY by then. Gawd.
Oh! I was all about to be "ooh, I want to too!" and then realized I'll be ACROSS THE COUNTRY by then. Gawd.
We'll be out on the West Coast next August for sure - one of our closest pairs of friends is getting married in SF - and if we can swing it I'd love to tack on some Buffista-visiting time to that trip.
We'll be out on the West Coast next August for sure - one of our closest pairs of friends is getting married in SF - and if we can swing it I'd love to tack on some Buffista-visiting time to that trip.
Sweet! Baby Dyl and Alter-natives.
01 Basic Black Dress: Have one, trimmed in white, that I bought on a whim recently and wore to a wedding. I don't wear dresses anymore.
02 Trench Coat: Nope. Though I love them, belted stuff doesn't look good on me as I'm thick in the middle.
03 Classic Dress Pants: One black, one brown
04 Blazer: One gray, one black
05 Skirt: No, unless you count the camo (J Crew) mini I bought to wear at the beach this year that I've worn like twice
06 Classic White Shirt: Nope, no way to hide the bubba (gut) in a light-colored shirt
07 Day Dress: See 05 above
08 Jeans: Yes, many
09 Sweatsuit Alternative: Nope. Jeans, baby.
10 Cashmere Sweater: No, but I want one. I've been trying them on for a few years now, but haven't found one that I love the fit of and I'm not paying that kind of money unless I am totally in love with it.
As for personal style, I think I'm "fucked up preppy." In my clothing choices, I'm kind of conservative with a twist. Like a classically cut item in a funky fabric or with some retro detail. I live in jeans, so we're talking about tops and shoes for the most part here.
Timelies all!
I really to go through my closet and bureau to get rid of stuff I haven't worn in a long time. Most of it will probably get thrown away, as it will be too worn or too dated to give to charity.
Oh! I was all about to be "ooh, I want to too!" and then realized I'll be ACROSS THE COUNTRY by then. Gawd.
Hon, do you have Thankgiving plans? Should we adopt you for the day?
Hon, do you have Thankgiving plans? Should we adopt you for the day?
Yes, this. Because either Plei or I could add you to our Thanksgiving craziness.
I was using those reusable stick ons.
huh. It never would occur to me that those would be supportive enough. That's good to know.
Hey Scola! A's bar opens in Brooklyn.
They'll have a pretty good selection on tap.
I got feedback from my boss about my six-year-old interviewee. Apparently, he was the one who wanted to come into work today in a blazer, because he wanted a job. He thought it was a real interview, and was nervous. And after the interview, he asked his dad if he really got the job. ("No, that was just pretend.") I only asked three questions.
I didn't ask, but I think he was here because the schools are closed today and tomorrow for the religious holidays.