I don't have a look. I just have clothes I like. Periodically I sweep through to make sure everything I have is either needed or loved, but that's about it.
If I could learn to resist the siren call of the long black skirt (the velvet one from J Jill looks marvellous--well, on the hanger. I haven't quite tried it on yet) I'd be in a much saner place, wardrobe wise.
This where I mention my project this month - I'm taking pictures of what I wear every day (to work and weekends.) Other people are doing it too. It's really interesting, to watch a whole wardrobe come out on a person you don't really know. And to see what looks good and what looks like crap on you. Anyone is welcome to join us... [link]
Tom, have you tried Loehmann's or the Filene's in Union Square?
I just interviewed a six-year-old for a summer associate position. Based on his unwillingness to go to parties and get taken to lunch every day (even though he wanted exciting work) I'm not sure he's going to get the job. On the other hand, he is the son of my boss, so maybe he's got nepotism in his favor.
Literally six, or emotionally/socially?
01 Basic Black Dress: um, about 6 of them. some are more businesslike, some are more casual.
02 Trench Coat: black, of course.
03 Classic Dress Pants: Numerous, mostly suit pants.
04 Blazer: heh. yes, several.
05 Skirt: long, short, solid, print, you name it
06 Classic White Shirt: the only thing I don't have. It's hard for me to find one that fits. I was going to try a Target to T custom made, but they stopped doing that (shakes fist).
07 Day Dress:several.
08 Jeans: I have one pair that I love, but I LOVE them. If Old Navy lets me return 2 year old sweaters, then I'll try the Old Navy ones.
09 Sweatsuit Alternative: Yes. My "wearever" pants by J. Jill. Super comfy, doesn't wrinkle. Only way they could be more perfect is if they had pockets.
10 Cashmere Sweater: I have one. I don't think that this is a necessary item. A i
sweater, yes, but but doesn't have to be cashmere.
I just found this jacket, which would be perfect, except that it's out of stock. I guess I'll go to Chelsea and see if they have it there.
It's amazing how frustrating this is, especially the "not look preppy" part.
Check Army/Navy stores (go for the Navy stuff if you prefer black to kelly green). I can think of several different types that fit some of that description. Some may even come with removable liners so w/out liner is the climate range you want but with is warm enough until almost dead of winter. I have something like this - it's not overcoat long, but you wouldn't see shirtails. It may not have quite as many pockets as you want though.
Literally six
Indeed-- little Yasuhito was, in fact, dressed in a blazer, white shirt and khakis today, just like Dad, so I suspect that was why he was coming around for "interviews."
ita, re bras (if it's not too intrusive) WHAT are you using for support under your super sexy back black dress in the picture to which you posted a link yesterday?
The only items on Tim's list that I own and am actually happy to wear are:
blazer (isn't this just an indoor-worn jacket? or does "blazer" mean a specific cut? I have his book so I should read what he says...)
sweatsuit alternative
classic dress pants (I think. If they still fit.)
I would really like a black dress and a day dress and a cashmere sweater (or 10).