Sophia birthday?? hope you have a happy one!!!
oh man it's possible this afternoon will NEVER END, isn't it?
In funny news of last night, I went to a big party held by the weekly alterna paper here to celebrate their Best of Baltimore awards. A dude came up and asked for my autograph because he recognized me as the Hampden Idol winner. That alone was hilarious but it was made funnier because he interrupted me talking to a bunch of friends (all husbands) about what I'm looking for in a husband ("handy") and the autograph seeker got kind of freaked out. He was all "I, uh, am not interested in marriage? I just want you to sign my matchbook?"
Still sitting on the ground. Now that they have fixed the maintenance issue we are waiting for extra fuel since there is bad weather expected near LA. Anyone want to start placing bets on if this flight gets diverted?
interesting use of quotes:
don't ask why I was there.
shrift, you know you want Mikey Way -style frames. Just go ahead and admit it.
I actually found some Mikeyway the Lesbian Years frames! We really don't have a similar face type, though.
Go Lisah!
This weekend, we hope to eat at my favorite Greek restaurant(mom's B-day gift, but the state screwed up her paycheck. Hopefully, we can still go. When I was there a few months ago.there was a drug deal in the parking lot. I guess light-rail construction affected *all* the business downtown.
This weekend I am babysitting 18-month old twins overnight fun but aieeeee and cleaning my filthy house and going to my friend's 30th b'day party (theme = the Great Depression. what will I wear??? What food will I bring???). Sunday is yoga, first bike ride in a very very long time, and going out for sushi & Superbad. Oh and sometime before bike ride I have to get necessary bike gear (helmet and padded shorts).
of course, doing things this weekend depends on this afternoon actually ending sometime. I'm not sure that will happen, frankly.
of course, doing things this weekend depends on this afternoon actually ending sometime. I'm not sure that will happen, frankly.
OMG yes. almost 5 and a half more hours left.
Oh damn. Now I want sushi. I have NO idea when the next time I'll get sushi is.
Pity me!
On the other hand, rush hour traffic is like, there are FIVE cars at the stoplight.