will be travelling quite a bit and they they need to bump you up to Elite Status NOW or ENDURE THE WRATH
Honestly, I don't think that the airlines care. They know we are captive and will deal with every bit of their bullshit and come back. And if we don't, someone else will buy that seat.
It aggravates me SO MUCH.
I may have to take you up on that letter Aimee. I just don't have it on me to tear someone a new bunghole right now. I already need to adjust the orifice count over at Apple.
What are people doing this weekend?
Detroit Zoo tommorrow with one of our cousins from Joe's side.
Maybe hanging out with my dad on Sunday. My mom's out of town this weekend and he's kind of floundering.
MiL wants us to go have a Girl's Night - her, Em, and me - tonight, but I HAVE CABLE NOW! And internet! And a home phone! And I don't want to go out. But - FREE DINNER also.
hides TomW from Aimee
I don't like the sound of this "thing"!
You're going to have to hide him better than that
t wibbles at the red hair and freckles
(this tag never closes)
The Weasleys? Like porn to me.
I just don't have it on me to tear someone a new bunghole right now.
I'm always have it in me!
That sounds odd.
This weekend I am flying to Columbus, Ohio. Since my airplane ticket cost me $20 round trip, if I am delayed, I will not be surprised and will be pleased that I only paid $20 for the pleasure of being jerked around, instead of hundreds of dollars.
I know you don't have it in you. It took six months for you to take it out of the box!
What are people doing this weekend?
tomorrow - lounging, lunch out, one or two things off to do list
sunday - luncheon, birthday party for mac's friend, collapse
Yes, I was just thinking that I have very little idea what to nominate. And not much free time to decide.
I've started a list of fandoms I want to nominate, which I need to narrow down. Hope springs eternal that I can get someone to write me Something Wicked This Way Comes futurefic.