I think Storm is the only one your average Joe on the street would recognize.
And the slutty thing is why I think I'll only dress up for the parade now. I'm not going to parties that are going to be full of women skinnier than me dressed as a Slutty Nurse, Slutty Businesswoman, Slutty Pumpkin, whatever.
The Wise Onion Rings I just bought are stale. Bah.
I could always get an excessively frilly blouse and pair it with the pink ballgown skirt, toss on a tiara and ballet flats and be a princess. I wonder if I could pick a specific one...
Our party has a sexiest costume prize, which I coulda won last year, but it was awarded after my seventeen year old on a leash had to go home to make curfew. Of course, they'd have to admit it was sexy, which could've been a problem.
Happy birthday, Lori! And happy anniversary to Plei and Paul!
Jesse made me snort with her slutty pumpkin because how wrong is that image?
Franny would say go with the princess! Of course she herself is going as Belle this year.
I confess that Slutty Pumpkin isn't original.
That's the only ep of that show I think I've seen.
Our raunchy girls were thinking of slutty pumpkins, but if they did what they suggested (orange body paint, small cap for the stem, stripes for the grooves and a black string bikini for the eyes and mouth) they'd have to go naked for 2008 to top it.
To which no one would really complain. They're kinda hot.
I like dressing up. I never did it before I moved out here, because of culture or climate issues. Oh, and not having anywhere to go.
slutty something is NOT a costume. I hate that.
SUMI!!THANK YOU!!! saving for later tonight.
Sexy is forbidden here, what with the children's ward and all. A couple of years ago I stole someone's idea with a poufy-skirted cocktail dress, pearls, a tiara, and a sash that said Miss Information, and had considerable stupid fun at work.
"Is Doctor S in?"
"No, I'm sorry, he's off today for the opening of wabbit season."
"Do you have the clinic report on Bobby R?"
"No, I'm sorry, Doctor S ate it."
"Is Doctor K here?"
"Yes, but he's hiding under his desk. Students frighten him."
Profoundly unsexy, but fun.
The coolest unsexy costume I ever saw here was the department administrative head about five years ago, who came in dressed in a black suit, red tie and bowler hat with a leafy, twiggy green apple mask hanging down from the brim of the hat.
Ha! I win at life. I made raincheck plans with someone tonight who invariably cancels at the last minute, and proceeded to make backup plans with someone else. So of course my friend cancels, but I still have plans!