Also, best wishes for your mom, and you, as well.
Thanks Nilly, and everyone.
ION, I imagine that thousands of years from now, a lot of people will probably be a little unclear on what for them will be ancient history. So what if a person a thousand years from now decides to do a random search of blogs, posting boards, etc on this day in the year 2007? They might conclude that the days of sailing ships and piracy on the high seas coincided with the internet.
I think I have had 3 or 4 flu shots. I tend to do poorly fighting things off. I think I was bed ridden for 4 days and pretty miserable for another week with what I think was the flu a couple of years ago (year without a shot).
I usually get a flu shot because my employer offers them for free, and for the past several years I've had a parent or parents not in the best of health that I'm visiting for the holidays. I figure getting the shot reduces the odds I'm going to show up in Alabama at Christmas bearing exotic flu, courtesy of my big city, county hospital workplace, for my mom who's down to one lung and is recovering from chemo. Also, since I have to miss my share of work when Annabel is sick or when daycare is closed for whatever reason, anything that might keep me from using sick leave for personal use is a good thing.
Nilly, you have never offended me, and I hope your Yom Kippur is a wonderful one.
Arrrrr. I be wearin' a stylish orange vest, in preparrrrrration for our fire drill.
Yes, but is it rrrrreflective orrrragh-nge?
Last year I got the shot and got the flu within a couple weeks. I think it was a coincidence, though, that the shot didn't have time to work on me.
AP, CB and MK from FNL will be in October's issue of
Whyfore do you need to wear an orange vest?
Doesn't the drawing on this poster look like Peter Petrelli?
Because you're going hunting?
Or you're going to be where people are hunting?
Nilly's Yom Kippur posts always make me wish she had offended me in some way so that I could participate in her process. But no. I could make something up next year, maybe.
Then I always wish that I could practice in that way. But I don't.
Hey, if you are the offended party and you're trying to forgive on Yom Kippur, does that also require interpersonal contact, like if you've hurt somebody? Do you have to go to that person and say, hey, you really hurt me but I forgive you?