I got a stalkerish email from Amazon telling me that since I bought Kim Cooper's 33 1/3 book on Neutral Milk Hotel and that I like Tom Waits I might like David Smay's new 33 1/3 book on Tom Waits.
Did you e-mail Amazon back and tell them that you read an advance copy?
Kat, I'm so sorry. Solution~ma to you.
What is it in Hebrew?
The word for "new" in Hebrew is "khadash" (the "kh" is that sound that doesn't exist in English, that's sometimes written as "h" and sometimes as "ch". Both "a"s are like in the word "are" or "after").
So the wishes for somebody who has something new is "titkhadesh" (if it's a male somebody-who-has-something-new) or "titkhadshi" (if it's a female somebody).
Oh, and, again, the "a" is like in "are", and the emphasis is on the end of the word, in both cases.
I remember posting with erinaceous once about this word and its sad lack in the English language. We started to suggest replacements and translations, but didn't manage to get further then "newify", which doesn't really fit. It's more like "newgratulations", or something. Only a verb. And I'd better stop here, before I get even more entangled in my own words, both Hebrew and English.
So, Vortex, titkhadshi!
Oh, Kat. I'm sorry. WHY can this not be easy in any way shape or form for you????
t shaking fist at sky
Vibing that something AWESOME happens, like, today.
Oh, Kat, I'm so sorry!
I hope a solution finds its way to you as quickly and minimally-stressed as possible.
Only the emphasis (that's what written in capital letters, right?) should be on the very last one, on the "shi".
I'm sorry, Kat. I'm giving the universe a severe talking-to.
I think we should just adopt the Hebrew word. We use schadenfreude because English doesn't have a word for happiness derived from the suffering of others.
Speaking of dangerous escalators: [link]
I am in a blind panic because the childcare situation I had arranged fell through when my coworker lost her own nanny. So, starting today, I have to find a childcare place that I can afford and I really feel like vomitting and crying.
ShitshitSHIT. I'm so sorry Kat.
Me too, Kat. I wish there were something we could do to make this easier, since the universe clearly isn't playing nice.