My sister is under orders when she's out with me and my friends to try and act normally, especially if we're going to a restaurant, because she has an especial song and dance routine she goes through there--sometimes it works really well, and sometimes I think I'm getting spit in my dinner. I don't want to gamble.
I like to think of myself as sociable, but only randomly garrulous. Which is why I think like bon does: too close to home. I don't get to be random with my neighbours, so I have to pick the lowest common denominator of consistency, and that's totally silence and warm smiles and nods.
If there is a crazy person within about square mile of me, they tend to find me and strike up a conversation. People have witnessed this many times. It's like a superpower, only, well, one that sucks.
I have this too. And it is so hard for me to get away, because I have politeness ingrained in me. Recently I had a man interrupt my book-reading on the bus to tell me about how the airplane contrails are really the government spraying us with anti-depressents to keep us docile.
And yeah, why would people start talking to me unless I give them some indication of wanting to talk? I wouldn't do that.
That sounds like it, Nora, but I'm sure it was pronounced "putcheen"-which is what the article says is the Anglicanized pronunciation.
I can't say I know my neighbors, but I do have nodding relationships with several, and of those people, I know two of their names. And there was the kid who wants to crawl through my fire escape into his mother's place next door. I guess that's something.
Dru Hill is actually a neighborhood. Around Druid Hill Park.
Because people are too lazy to say the additional syllable! No wonder they can't spell.
In work news, I just had a meeting with the Big Boss that was almost perfect! I swear, maybe some day I will actually cross all my t's, but sadly today was not that day. It was just one little thing, but seriously.
Also, I know that some of you took a look and had comments on a website search function for my job-- here is the almost final product. We were able to use a lot of comments to simplify, so thanks so much!
We know some of the neighbors. Our former next-door neighbor (they later bought a bigger house elsewhere in the development) is the association president, and he started introducing himself to everyone from day one.
people spelling Drew's name "Dru"
All I want to know is should we start calling Kristin "Spike"?
Well, she is little and blonde...
If he runs off with a chaos demon, I'm blaming all of you.
In terms of the talking thing, yeah, I'm another of those "please don't talk to me" people. I love being social with friends, but I just don't want a casual conversation on the plane or in a grocery store.
If there is a crazy person within about square mile of me, they tend to find me and strike up a conversation. People have witnessed this many times. It's like a superpower, only, well, one that sucks.
It's true. The only problem is that said crazy people also latch on to anyone else in his company.
I've actually been trying to meet some neighbors in the new 'hood. One of the guys (my first gay couple in the new neighborhood) told me that there were 5 or 6 people on the block in their 80's, so it's nice to have some history in the neighborhood.