So a guy driving a van ran a red light and hit a bus. 13 people were hospitalized, four with critical injuries - including a 9-year-old passenger of the van.
This is what the driver of the van was cited for:
Francisco Diaz-Colin, 28, of the 3200 block of West Fullerton Avenue, was cited for disobeying a red light, driving without a license, driving without insurance, driving with an obstructed view, driving an unsafe vehicle and speeding, police said this morning.
I guess some people can't be bothered to give a shit about
So far, no mention of him being impaired, so apparently he did all this sober.
I am way too startled by the assholish things people will do when driving, but
Shoot 'Em Up
(title of a movie released in the past month) made me feel vicariously better about jackass drivers. Doesn't save anyone's life, though.
D'ya suppose the spreading of this rumor is connected to the custody battle?
The television show Entertainment Tonight was reporting on its Web site Monday that it has several reliable sources who say the FBI and Los Angeles police are investigating legitimate leads of a contract hit on Kevin Federline's life.
But later Monday, representatives for the FBI and LAPD denied any investigation.
No Bread and Jam for Frances as children? Tragic.
Seriously. Just yesterday I was thinking of myself as Frances! But I get that People Today don't know about the e/i difference.
Jack Hanna, flamingo stuck in airport turnstile
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Animal expert Jack Hanna and an 11-month-old flamingo became trapped while trying to squeeze through a security turnstile at an Ohio airport. It took firefighters to finally get the flamingo out.
Hanna, the director emeritus of the Columbus Zoo and a frequent guest on nationally televised talk shows, was returning from a zoo fundraiser with a mongoose, a small leopard and the flamingo. Three other people were with them.
the movie Splash was on TV the other night and I realized a generation of girls are growing up with no idea why "Madison" is a funny name.
When people ask me my name, I automatically spell my last name. No leaving it to chance. On the other hand, I've been with my friend whose last name is Smith when she's been asked to spell it for them.
I always have to spell out my last name but more often than not people still get confused. Apparently the 'ue' throws them.
I got a stalkerish email from Amazon telling me that since I like crime fiction, I should watch K-Ville.
Pfft, that's nothing. I got a stalkerish email from Amazon telling me that since I bought Kim Cooper's 33 1/3 book on Neutral Milk Hotel and that I like Tom Waits I might like David Smay's new 33 1/3 book on Tom Waits.
psh! i got a stalkerish email from Amazon telling me that since i'd bought Rescue Me on dvd i might like K-Ville. i've never bought RM on dvd. i don't even watch it.
as for the name conversation, i get that too. parents named me christy. no, it's not short for christine. no, it's not spelled with a "K" or and "ie". it's christy.
That's my cousin's name! And yep, not short for anything. Actually, I know a lot of people my age with nickname-sounding full names -- Carrie is maybe the most obvious, but also Molly. Not to mention Jesse.