Yikes, Daisy.
You know that thing where people misspell your name in an email that has your name in it? I just got that with another word. I replied to an email saying, "Please make sure to use the correct spelling of [odd COMPany NaMe]," and she wrote back saying, "Oh yeah, I always get [ODD comPany Name] wrong." Yeah, and you DID IT AGAIN JUST THERE. Seriously, people.
It does sound B-A-N_A_N-A-S, DJ.
I think I read that Simon's doing his first Non-Balmer TV about NOLA, after "The Wire".
Or maybe it's George Pelecanos.
ETA: Either way, they'll get it, I think.
Saudi Women Push for Right to Drive
Thank you for that very necessary reality check. That puts my life right back into perspective, oh yes it does.
I always get an extraneous h. The most ridic has been when they start the reply right AFTER my sig:
Hi Sarah-
For me it's Kristin/Kristen. I know it's only one letter, but it bugs me too.
I am always stunned when people ask me to spell my first name.
I'm even more stunned when I see it spelled wrong.
This is not as uncommon as it should be.
The most common one is "Dru."
Aimee, tell Joe he might want to pack some work gloves if he has a pair.