I can't imagine that they would kill Alexis. I think it will be very interesting if this leaves her with a darker edge though.
And my darker edge had me thinking... on the bright side, Alexis got that Paris trip after all.
I just re-watched Death Gone Crazy and man is there a lot of setup for the kidnapping in that episode!
I think that driver might have gotten to met the real Rick Castle. (I was definitely getting some "War Stories" vibes from Nathan Fillion.)
Yeah, there was more Mal in that Castle than I usually see. But still distinct.
Ha! Great minds and all that...
I took a quote from Mal and a pic of Castle from this week's show.
I can't help wondering if the kidnapping isn't about the other girl...
DebetEsse, I join you in the hopes of some development of the relationship. It actually struck me how, in the midst of this deeply personal crisis, they were still calling each other "Beckett" and "Castle" rather than by first names.
Right? I mean, I am reading it as a necessity of the No Privacy situation, but it's still weird.
My take is it's just a habit. Castle has called Beckett "Kate" before they got together but she rarely called him Rick.
Of course the show did do the weird switch from using Javi to Espo as a nickname for Espisoto for no apparent reason.
"Person of Interest" has become a really interesting show this season. I have been surprised by it and felt that the episode quality has remained pretty strong this year.
I thought last night's episode was fantastic. Did any of you see it?
I thought last night's episode was fantastic. Did any of you see it?
I haven't seen it yet, but I am hoping there is more Amy Acker this week.
It's not Boxed Set?
I think we have mostly discussed it here in the past. The sci-fi aspect has been pretty minor to the show as a whole.
Now I've seen it. Excellent episode! I love that they were will to take the risk of having both stars play such a minor role in the episode.