I was just reading the tumblr of a woman (I think) who's chomping at the bit to get some Elementary, because she's totally enamoured of the concept.
Apparently she's getting anon shit for i, although she does state quite clearly that it's not CBS' responsibility to follow through on the Sherlock queer-bating or Moffat's NO HOMO style of writing, and ... those were the terms I was looking for to describe the coyness that I think
relishes, while Gatiss seems more straightforward and respectful of his audience.
This distinction is based mainly on tweets and the odd interview I've read with each of them, so I don't know how solid a concept it is.
But she's articulating some stuff that was sticking in my craw.
I can't believe that CSI: Miami is still on the air. I don't know if my TiVo thought it was being nice to me or what, but I just watched the Aldis Hodge episode. Needless to say--he did it. And luckily, since the CSIs don't really do science anymore, he pretty much folds and tells all as soon as they lean on him.
Plenty of that's-not-procedure shenanigans, with CSIs and shootouts, but I guess that's standard CSI fare for all locations. However, somehow Horatio gives the brain-damaged kid a bag full of cash to give to his mother--and given the kid's behaviour, it's not like he's about to tell her where he got it, because he's having a hard time putting two and two together. But that's okay! Horatio is lurking outside as the mother takes the cash without pressing her son for its source.
I know they stopped caring a long time ago, but they seem to have given up on both science and the law at this point.
I thought CSI:Orange got cancelled.
It did but it's still all over tv.
Der. That makes so much more sense. I thought NY had been cancelled, not Miami.
(that let it run ten seasons, but still)
CSI NY was on the edge of cancellation last year, but it pulled through this year. I have no fucking idea why. Mac's romantic interests are just as bad and the plots/cases are WORSE.
And now, every season they are giving it a "season finale" - just in case.
Anyone here interested in a detailed review/discussion of The Mentalist's finale "The Crimson Hat" may wish to peruse this [link] Reviewbrain let me put my oar in, so my comments are interspersed with hers. She also addresses a number of questions other fans asked her via Twitter.
"The Killing" - the awfulness of the finale did not disappoint. Good grief.
Yeah, I hung in there to the bitter end. What a waste of my time.
damn. I should not have come back this season and just watched the finale.