But the spoilery hashtag didn't really give anything away that happened in the episode. She didn't die. She's probably doing the Interpol thing, but that wasn't even a decision she had to make during the ep itself.
Who played Henry? I know at the very first they use AJ's son for the role. Anyone know who it is now?
I kept thinking "West is cuter, though."
ita !, it's still her son. He's getting big (and could use a visit from the scissor fairy).
Anyone see the Tardis in the woods in the Baskerville ep?
ita !, it's still her son. He's getting big (and could use a visit from the scissor fairy).
I was wondering if it was her son. He certainly looks like her.
But the spoilery hashtag didn't really give anything away that happened in the episode. She didn't die. She's probably doing the Interpol thing, but that wasn't even a decision she had to make during the ep itself.
Yeah, but if you didn't know that she wasn't coming back, it was a spoiler.
if you didn't know that she wasn't coming back, it was a spoiler.
I'd say it's not a spoiler, it was news. That's when they told it to you, so why doesn't it stop being spoilery?
I mean, by our spoiler rules it wasn't one the minute the information appeared on the screen. Just the same as if it'd been covered in a trailer.
I am not entirely sure what to think of The Mentalist right now. That season finale was both dark and random, and how much more can they up the Red John stakes without becoming ridiculous? Oh...
Maybe it wasn't a spoiler, exactly, but it was distracting for me and undercut all the scenes of her talking about what she might or might not do. I say it was a poor choice.
It was also in the TV Guide description.
It's impossible for me to know whose choice it was to put it up there, but NBC as a group wasn't keeping it a secret that she was leaving--like Ginger mentions, and I'd also seen articles covering it weeks ago (I think she was signed to something else for next season? Don't know if it worked out). I had no real reason to think it was supposed to be a source of any sort of tension, and the scenes played out for me like she was definitely going to do it, but how was she going to break it to the team?
(Or she was going to die before she had a chance--that was also possible)
Amy Acker was great on Persons of Interest.