I love that only the two-part episodes have the crazy string connections go 3-D all over the room. Everyone else just gets to cover a wall or two.
I will say that episode managed to ratchet up the tension really well a couple of times. I miss the boys when they bring in a guest star though.
What do we think about the mention of Castle's dad? Who knows when they'll get around to that, but wouldn't it be fun if they could get Harrison Ford to play the role?
Why do crazy people use strings these day? Aren't there computers?
What software do you have that you'd use to do that effectively? I want it. I'm trying to envision the nightmare that would be in Visio, and would rather use string any day.
Plus? you don't lose all of the changes in the string since you last saved.
Unless it gets hacked. With scissors.
I really expected a scene at the end of Castle walking into his place and seeing his mother.
Then the shot switches to one from the hallway.
"Mother, we have to talk about Dad."
He closes the door.
Roll credits.
Pierce Brosnan would be good for Castle's Dad, too.
Sure, he's ten years younger than Susan Sullivan, but Momma Castle wouldn't have cared about the age difference.
There was a Mamma Mia joke a while back.
Are we supposed to take from the ending of H50 that Steve was right about Danny's parenting?
What's Dr. Asano's ethnic background?