I think they could have written it better. the speech was OTT and the decision-making process was rushed. Why bother with the rigamorale over "oh, I won't quit CSI" when we knew she was going to go! CBS promo'd her speech!
Do some better hints over previous episodes that the FBI might want her and what that might me for how she thought about herself as an investigator? It wouldn't be that difficult. My standards for such transition aren't particularly high. It also would have made this a STELLAR send off instead of pretty good....UNTIL.
Was Person of Interest new this week? My DVR didn't record it.
There are TWO Chucks on tonight? Is this the series finale? I should know this. I've fallen so far behind on general television knowledge.
There are TWO Chucks on tonight? Is this the series finale? I should know this. I've fallen so far behind on general television knowledge.
Yes, it's the two hour series finale.
Oh, Chuck. I knew you were leaving, but I wasn't ready.
It's an odd time for a series finale, isn't it?
BTW, Chuck is usually in Boxed Set. Intersect and all.
Sorry! Damned confusing Intersect.
Huh. CSI is better this season, with Sam Malone and whatever writing changes they made (sorry, Morpheus--I don't think it was your fault), but this ep (mob assassination), everyone's running around handling evidence with their bare fingers and dropping it into their pockets, and moving things around at the scene before it's processed.
I thought they had their own rules (like, shedding your own DNA into a scene is totally copacetic, and who cares about footprints), but aren't they usually better about their universe rules? I mean, Nicky is wearing gloves and putting things in bags right now, so it almost feels like a callout...
Then again, I haven't seen anyone take pictures or draw a scene recently.