I guess the killer is being set up to be a Big Bad. But I just didn't like it the whole thing, especially getting hung up on the ankle monitor. Someone should have figured out it could be bypassed. It seems like something Angela could have figured out or Hodgins would have thought of in the beginning.
But they have a house and now they just have to renovate it and I hope that either Booth just lets Bones pay for everything or we don't have to hear more about the income differences on screen for awhile.
I guess the killer is being set up to be a Big Bad.
I know but a Big Bad that we already know the who and the where of, just seems kind of lame to me. Why not just put a police car at his house and wait for him to sneak out?
But they have a house and now they just have to renovate it and I hope that either Booth just lets Bones pay for everything or we don't have to hear more about the income differences on screen for awhile.
Also, what was the whole point of getting a house from the auction if they were going to get one that was such a mess. Why not just buy one of the fixer uppers from the paper.
I did enjoy Sweets translating the real estate ads for her, though.
I did enjoy Sweets translating the real estate ads for her, though.
Yes, that was cute, especially if you are currently house hunting like we are.
Just caught up with the most recent NCIS. For once the grieving cop husband had nothing to do with the woman's death, how sadly refreshing.
Oops was right the first time.
Is Grimm usually discussed here? I think it might get more traction in Boxed Set, even though it is a procedural.
Ah deleted it from boxed set cause I seemed to remember we did discuss it here. Wish I had a better memory.
[Edit: no search says you are right]
OMG, the person who does Subway product placement does not get paid enough. Jesus Christ. That was @@^max.
I hate when Wil Yun Lee isn't attractive, but actors gotta act. Still, if you have to go way back for cute, Dante is a good place to end up. At least he's sexy and evil in this exercise. OMG, Ian Anthony Dale as I live and type.
Thank *dog* for the casting diversity in this one show, although apparently black people don't spend much time on the islands, or if they do, they're observing the law.
Is Castle going to start putting an X on his window with masking tape? I'm totally calling the mystery man Deep Throat now.