There's a football game on here on Monday night.
Oh, right. Duh. It's on ESPN, but since it's the Pats it's the local ABC affiliate.
And I'm a Pats fan; oh the shame of it.
Puts paper bag over own head.
Well, there wasn't a Castle on Monday (the 14th).
No, I knew that, but then what was going on the next few weeks had me confused. The rerun doesn't seem as weird knowing that the 21st is a local preemption.
Was last night's CM new? Because I forgot to set up my dvr for it.
It was a new one.
eta: and I managed to stay awake for it
Dang it.
Does carry the current eps?
Ah, the holiday season/playoff season merry-go-round.
Does carry the current eps?
They do.
And I am just watching my dvr'd ep. Neat guest star. Although imdb made it hard for me to confirm because they don't have cast and crew up.
Wait, now my DVR isn't showing Castle at any time Monday or Tuesday. WTF!
I'm showing a new Castle ep on Mon and nothing on Tues. Though my dvr only looks for new eps, so it won't note any upcoming repeats.
CM was truly creepy. I'm not sure if I liked it, but it was creepy.
epguides says that there should be new episodes on the 21st and the 28th.
The local ABC ads say Monday's Castle should be airing late-night (ie, Tuesday morning), but no.