Simon: Captain... why did you come back for us? Mal: You're on my crew. Simon: Yeah, but you don't even like me. Why'd you come back? Mal: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?


Procedurals 1: Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You.

This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]

Juliebird - Nov 14, 2007 6:12:37 pm PST #403 of 11831
I am the fly who dreams of the spider

Life: okay, Ted just became infinitely more awesome this ep at 50 minutes in.

And all the parrallels between Crews and Farthingale and the sparse houses and impersonal desk spaces was just charming.

I'm a little perturbed that Dani has taken zero interest in her partner's potential involvement in Ames' murder. She doesn't seem to care that he may have done it, and she doesn't seem to care that he may not have done it, and be defensive for him.

And holy crap that the white-haired-dude is her father!

Vonnie K - Nov 14, 2007 6:21:46 pm PST #404 of 11831
Kiss me, my girl, before I'm sick.

I loved this episode. A lovely, twisty case of the week and amping up on the conspiracy theory and Jack Reese being involved (did he kill Ames?!! They were arguing in that first scene.) And I freakin' loved the team Charlie/Lt/Dani in the conference room with the bottles of wine and the baseball caps. The Lt., in all appearance, is an antagonist to Charlie yet she's also a good cop and recognizes that Charlie is one as well. I really like the ambiguity.

Juliebird - Nov 14, 2007 6:33:54 pm PST #405 of 11831
I am the fly who dreams of the spider

I like the idea that the LT, and also Bobby Starks in this respect, are good cops with motivations outside of setting up Crews, and yet in the process of being good cops they are following the letter of the law which makes them do things that possibly aren't favorable to ultimate justice (acting upon planted evidence, suspect motives, etc.)

DXMachina - Nov 14, 2007 6:35:05 pm PST #406 of 11831
You always do this. We get tipsy, and you take advantage of my love of the scientific method.

I freakin' loved the team Charlie/Lt/Dani in the conference room with the bottles of win and the baseball caps.

It was a nice scene, but the clues were SO over the top obscure that once they got to the payoff I was just WTF? I mean, even Crews doesn't keep track of stuff in that manner. It was like something out of Myst.

Juliebird - Nov 14, 2007 6:44:11 pm PST #407 of 11831
I am the fly who dreams of the spider

I think I liked the fact that it was Dani and the LT working together more than I was befuddled by the revelation of a serial bomber we knew nothing about. I really cared more about the characters than the made-up revelation.

(edited for wiiiine)

sumi - Nov 14, 2007 7:27:13 pm PST #408 of 11831
Art Crawl!!!

I think I loved the scenes where Dani was at one house and Crews was at the other and they were a. realizing that the guy was married to two different women, living two different lives and later b. that he had that same set up in each house - where he could work on what he was really investigating.

And I also loved the parallels between Crews and Farthingale. And how much Ted rocked.

askye - Nov 15, 2007 3:34:19 am PST #409 of 11831
Thrive to spite them

I missed Life this week and last so I'm really going to have to catch up. I watched CRiminal Minds my brother and FSIL are in town and we ended up watching it together. As soon as Smokin' hot guy was interested in Garcia I said I hoped that it didn't turn out bad because the only time a hot guy is interested in someone who looks like Garcia he wants to use/hurt her. Because shows always go there, the only exception I can think of is China Beach when whathisname fell for Ricki Lake's character.

I ended up getting in an argument with my brother because he didn't believe that I could have guessed that Hottie would have turned out bad just from him being interested in Garcia, I had to have gotten it all from the foreshadowing. It kinda ruined the evening because once again my brother can't like I actually do know what I'm talking about and has to contradict me. I wanted to argue that I know television so I do know what I'm talking about, but it felt lame and so I dropped.

Dana - Nov 15, 2007 3:41:12 am PST #410 of 11831
I'm terrifically busy with my ennui.

Ted totally rocked, and with that one action, became eight times more interesting. I mean, he's been a fine character in the past, as a foil to Charlie, but now that they've given him something interesting to do? Oh, yeah.

I'm glad Constance is back, though I dislike her new haircut. What I love, though, is how Charlie is different around her. Like most of his mask falls away, and he's suddenly a real person.

Okay, so if she's working for the D.A.'s office now, will she have to recuse herself from any case that Charlie's involved in?

Tom Scola - Nov 15, 2007 4:12:28 am PST #411 of 11831
Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward.

Between Life and PD, Wednesday is by far the best night on television. Who would have guessed at the start of the season?

sumi - Nov 15, 2007 4:21:26 am PST #412 of 11831
Art Crawl!!!

Life gets repeated on either USA or TNT late Sunday night. (11 or 12)