Castle, I think the implication of "Big Rick" is that your baby-maker is "LITTLE Rick".
Again, I'm getting Pushing Daisies vibes. First on Flashforward with the Muffin Buffalo lady, and now the models looking all dandelion car show girls. Maybe I'm just in withdrawal.
that's a surprising guest spot on Lie to Me!
And actually looking his age for once. He's even more handsome now. I'm irritated that we won't be seeing him anymore. Couldn't they have been not too late?
Well, the character was a small town prosecutor in VA. Even if they hadn't been too late, he still wouldn't have been around (unless they did some lame "join mrs. lightman's firm" crap)
They went and set him up with the backstory with Zoe. I totally wasn't expecting him to buy it. In fact, I thought the father was going to go after her and not him.
Ah, well. Onto his next guest appearance.
And he was actually TALLER than Tim Roth.
You know, I finally figured out who Tim Roth is reminding me of with his weird posture/head tilting on Lie to Me - Chianna from Farscape.
I loved last night's Castle--probably one of my favorite eps yet. Great stuff with his mom (nice to see her getting some plotline), and the interplay between the two minion cops whose names I can never remember and Beckett was hilarious. They picked up on her knowledge of the modeling world really quick (it went right past Castle), and can apply their research skills to embarrassing effect. Finally, seeing how Castle took his foray into said world to heart was very sweet.
Castle's gift is that he can walk right up to the line of being completely inappropriate before the streak of decency ropes him back in. Of course, his daughter's usually in that equation. Anything that reminds him of her tends to put the breaks on.
Also, "House" was interesting. I'm hoping the overwrought dictator storyline doesn't play out too long, although I suspect it will. That being said, I could watch James Earl Jones and Jesse Spencer talk about baseball scores.
I like Castle and the cop but the cases are pretty weak.
Maybe they should have them be full-on goofy, like "Monk" cases.
Dag, I missed James Earl Jones?
Gotta watch KO early on Mondays...