Normally it's not a bad thing to see hottie detective get all snuggly with a woman, but it was such a painfully wrong judgment call I had to avert my eyes from the screen.
Still, I really like how Cutter played her in the end, and was appropriately squicked when she squirmed on the stand.
And yes! I didn't really see why Lupo was so drawn to her.
I didn't either. She came off seeming half-crazy from jump.
I think Lupo is damaged goods in search of even more damaged goods--I'm pretty sure he had a thing for his widowed sister-in-law.
At the end of the episode, I turned ot the DH and said, why are all these men falling for her, she isn't even all that pretty. His response, she's seems to be totally available--emotionally and physically.
Watching Inspector Lewis on Mystery and at one point they flash their badges - EIGHT points.
Freaky Brits.
I can't believe it took me this long to wonder, watching Cold Case--has anyone ever lawyered up in the history of that show?
Well, that's a surprising guest spot on Lie to Me!
Even after all of this time, it's still a surprise.
For the love of all that's holy! She was stabbed with her own SHOE!!!
What Not to Wear
has taken quite the grisly turn, hasn't it?