I've now watched two episodes of NCIS: LA. A little heavy on the bromance, and I find I can't stand the psychologists they put in crime shows. "I shall now spend a few minutes stating the perfectly obvious."
I keep comparing it to the first few episodes of NCIS, where they were setting up the characters and setting, and they don't have the same feel at all. LA doesn't have the light touches that the first ep of NCIS had--essentially hijacking Air Force One, playing a shell game with the body, being the underdog agency against the FBI and Secret Service, etc.
I think I'm going to find something else to do with that second hour.
Huh. ita, on Twitter he said it was on the "Castle set". I assumed DVD set, because how can there be an Easter egg on the physical set? But maybe so. Either way, I'm unlikely to find it.
I agree, Connie. I don't find NCIS:LA even close to as interesting as the original. I kinda wanted to give it a shot for Chris O'Donnell, but it's just not got that same feel. It's taking itself just a little too seriously, I think.
Normally it's not a bad thing to see hottie detective get all snuggly with a woman, but it was such a painfully wrong judgment call I had to avert my eyes from the screen.
Still, I really like how Cutter played her in the end, and was appropriately squicked when she squirmed on the stand.
And yes! I didn't really see why Lupo was so drawn to her.
I didn't either. She came off seeming half-crazy from jump.
I think Lupo is damaged goods in search of even more damaged goods--I'm pretty sure he had a thing for his widowed sister-in-law.
At the end of the episode, I turned ot the DH and said, why are all these men falling for her, she isn't even all that pretty. His response, she's seems to be totally available--emotionally and physically.
Watching Inspector Lewis on Mystery and at one point they flash their badges - EIGHT points.
Freaky Brits.
I can't believe it took me this long to wonder, watching Cold Case--has anyone ever lawyered up in the history of that show?
Well, that's a surprising guest spot on Lie to Me!