Anyone else watch CSI last night? It was quite good, one of the better season premieres in a while. First off, nice to see both David Berman and Liz Vassey bumped up to the opening credits! Also, I was pleased to see Riley gone--she was a waste of space.
I liked how they used her exit interview as the fill-in for fans' complaints about the show last season ("lack of group unity...communication issues, etc."). Here's hoping making Nick Catherine's Catherine (a good choice) and bumping Langston up a level works.
As to last night's events, loved the opening Matrix freeze-frame! While I was admiring the level of post-production that went into that shot, I was thinking that it might overwhelm the rest of the ep. However, I got so into the plot that I completely forgot about the shot until we saw the coroner's room all trashed, and then I realized we were back where we started. Nice to see the coroner take out the one bad guy with his crutch!
I started TiVoing CSI again, did not watch any of last season, should I try to go watch some to catch up?
It took me half the episode to remember who Riley was. I hated her that much.
Nah, just know that Grissom and Sara are both gone (although Sara came back yesterday for a short-term helping out stint while Grissom is teaching), Catherine's in charge, Warrick is dead, and Laurence Fishburne is moving his way up (he's a professor and doctor who specialized in studying serial killers before he got an offer from Grissom, and he's working his way up from the bottom but on the fast track due to his background). Oh, and Hodges and Wendy (lab rats who are now both in the opening credits) are sort-of-maybe a couple.
Kathy, your first comment above, I completely agree with. I just caught CSI On-Demand (I now have On Demand - what a wondrous thing) and I really enjoyed the episode.
I loved the opening shot. I thought it was grand and nice to see it in "real time" later.
It took me half the episode to remember who Riley was. I hated her that much.
It took me half the episode to remember who Riley was. I hated her that much.
If I didn't know which thread I was in, I'd now be picturing Marc Blucas in drag.
msbelle, if you did happen to tivo the SF convention ep from last season, I do recommend watching that one, if for nothing else that it's one of the funnier shows ever in this series. It was written by two of the writers from BSG, and they used their obvious familiarity with the world of SF fandom and their behind-the-scenes experience with BSG in particular to full advantage in the script.
I did not TiVo last season, but I will look for that ep online or in repeats. thx
the SF convention ep
I loved that ep, but must confess that CSI stopped being appointment tv for me long ago.
This episode really engaged me again. It felt as if the writers were saying, 'yeah, yeah, we know...we forgot what made us cool. Here, have some of that.'