I'm not sure the showrunner is on the same page as we are--he seems to be consumed with the idea of teasing us with Tony/Ziva, whether or not it ever happens.
But I hope they do grow up, including Gibbs, who needs to stop slapping them in the back of the head, no matter how they act. It's just wrong.
Liked Criminal Minds mostly on the strength of Thomas Gibson's performance, and he was only in the second half. I hate to see him cry. I had to suppress giggles with all the "casually" sitting Reid before they got him shot.
Reaper's back in play, maybe for a while, and bonus DB Sweeney! Always good.
Anybody see "The Good Wife"? We liked it a bunch. Some very nice writing (and some anvils, but, hey, it's the pilot) and a GREAT supporting cast. Josh Charles! Christine Baranski! Titus Welliver!
no, but I like those actors a lot.
JC used to be Dan Rydell, right?
I've got it recorded but haven't watched it. yet. The Scrappy endorsement moves it up in the queue a little bit!
Here's a review of the show which I think is pretty accurate. [link]
Bones: And her characterization swings back the other direction, in a really awkward way.
Mentalist: already loving the new guy and wish he would replace Robin Tunney completely.
Criminal Minds: am highly disturbed by the conversations at TWoP about what exactly happened to Hotchner.
One of the few reasons I'm giving The Mentalist another chance:
Tunney also says viewers will see a slightly grittier show this season, thanks to The Mentalist's new 10/9c timeslot. She notes in particular that the details of Red John's murders will be more graphic
Spoilers ahoy