It was a moment that really seemed to have Zack as the elephant in the room.
In Criminal Minds actor news, MGG just had surgery
on the knee he injured dancing. Let that be a cautionary tale to you kids. If you don't warm up before dancing, you could end up like this. On the other hand, his arms look marvellous.
I just got a Criminal Minds book from the library. Will keep you posted.
I gave up on Bones. It's been going in a direction I'm not crazy about and when I realized I had no interest in watching the last five eps(which were on the TiVo) I deleted the season pass.
WRT the Death card: Yeah, I know it means change, but I always think of the one time I got that card when my grandma was ill and I thought "oh no." I mean, I kinda knew she was dying before I did the reading, but still, it was a deeply uncanny moment.
WRT to the death card, the psychic never said it meant death, she let Angela come to that on her own and then just sat there looking knowingly. Still one would think a woo-woo thinker like Angela would know that it didn't mean death.
But that's not responsible reading.
And she sent Booth off running on the Devil card, which doesn't mean "someone's in deep doo doo" either.
It's just cheap shorthand, using cards with words that have simple negative connotations in the West in the 21st century and tying them to whatever bad thing the writer wants to happen. The world wouldn't collapse from a correct reading--the universe withstood Criminal Minds Low Fi correct interpretation of the Death card.
The world wouldn't collapse from a correct reading--the universe withstood Criminal Minds Low Fi correct interpretation of the Death card.
But they weren't read by Cyndi Lauper, were they? That casting alone made up for a multitude of sins.
And Booth and Bones orchestrating a way to get the bad guy's DNA didn't suck--and Cyndi's character was smart enough to know she was being played.
It's interesting that Angela was sort of filling the role of Wise Friend who will get Brennan in Touch With Her Feelings in the beginning, but now she's in the position of advocating Damn the Torpedos while calmer heads are advising Booth to be very sure of what he might do in regards to Brennan. Angela is more reckless than wise now.
I wonder if we'll see Zach this year.
That casting alone made up for a multitude of sins.
Eh. I'm cold on the show, never liked her acting, and am really irritated by Tarot sensationalist shorthand.
My favorite part was the virtual facial reconstruction of the skull that looked just like face-lifted Cyndi.