And Booth and Bones orchestrating a way to get the bad guy's DNA didn't suck--and Cyndi's character was smart enough to know she was being played.
It's interesting that Angela was sort of filling the role of Wise Friend who will get Brennan in Touch With Her Feelings in the beginning, but now she's in the position of advocating Damn the Torpedos while calmer heads are advising Booth to be very sure of what he might do in regards to Brennan. Angela is more reckless than wise now.
I wonder if we'll see Zach this year.
That casting alone made up for a multitude of sins.
Eh. I'm cold on the show, never liked her acting, and am really irritated by Tarot sensationalist shorthand.
My favorite part was the virtual facial reconstruction of the skull that looked just like face-lifted Cyndi.
Maybe she got the face lift so she could look just like her sister. That was creepy.
Looks like next week's Psych will be Gus-focussed. I'm excited. I think he's so wasted so much of the time. Shame I hate Jaleel White and that Keenan guy.
It might be the one from that cool photo.
yes. there's also one with four guys, looking very 90s R&Bish
I was thinking of the first one. I'm looking forward to seeing it next week.
Castle starts tonight!! I was just poking through my dvr listings last night and thought I'd do a search for it to see when it was going to premiere, and here it was, tonight at 9:00. Yay!