What y'all say about Cam. I really like her now. It'll be interesting to see what they may now that she has adopted a child (or is on the way to adopt).
This was very grumpy-making last night: my Tivo deleted all the new Closer eps for no apparent reason. Grr. I want to see the Kitty one.
This was very grumpy-making last night: my Tivo deleted all the new Closer eps for no apparent reason. Grr. I want to see the Kitty one.
Sounds like you bought a Tino by accident.
How is it that Life is dead but The Mentalist lives on?
The story is about a former Unusuals cast member joining the show. I liked the Unusuals much more than the Mentalist. Sigh.
The Mentalist has grown on me. (Also, Direct TV runs
right after Mentalist so it's kind of fun to watch Simon Baker go from his Mentalist character to [smoking hot] psycho hit man in quick succession.
I like the Jane, Cho and Rigsby characters but the writing...it just grated on me after awhile. Which says something about how winsome actors and characters can only go so far to carry a show.
Now I'm off to think of shows that I watched solely for the actor/character. None leap immediately to mind. Though I will confess to giving certain shows/movies a lot of latitude on that count.
I liked The Mentalist more in the beginning than toward the end of the season. I actually thought we would have more stuff about how fucked up Jane is. Not so much in the whole season.
I'm not sure why I watched the full season and not sure if there is a good enough reason to start watching it in the Fall.
Honestly, if I hadn't loved Hugh-Laurie-as-House so much I'd have given up on it before this.
The premise started as intriguing, but has become a bit of a formula now.
I had given up on House except for the skippity-fast-forwardy rushing through an episode if I was interested in the guest star...i.e.Marvin Aday!...but was sucked back in through the last two episodes of last season. Now I'm intrigued to see what happens in the institution.
And while I was hugely intrigued by the premise, I'll probably only watch Lie To Me for the Roth moments from now on.
House actually dealing with his issues is very interesting. I'm glad the producers realized that "nasty but brilliant" only goes so far.
I had never watched, but got intrigued with the discussion here on the last season, so I started taping all episodes. I was getting this past season and season 1 and wow, the lack of character development was pretty shocking. in most cases the characters were working through the same type of issues in seaon 1 and the current season, most especially House. So, for me, a no go.