I had given up on House except for the skippity-fast-forwardy rushing through an episode if I was interested in the guest star...i.e.Marvin Aday!...but was sucked back in through the last two episodes of last season. Now I'm intrigued to see what happens in the institution.
And while I was hugely intrigued by the premise, I'll probably only watch Lie To Me for the Roth moments from now on.
House actually dealing with his issues is very interesting. I'm glad the producers realized that "nasty but brilliant" only goes so far.
I had never watched, but got intrigued with the discussion here on the last season, so I started taping all episodes. I was getting this past season and season 1 and wow, the lack of character development was pretty shocking. in most cases the characters were working through the same type of issues in seaon 1 and the current season, most especially House. So, for me, a no go.
The character that's changed most, I think, is Wilson, currently, followed, possibly, by Cuddy. Adding another group of minions stood in for development of the first group.
Yeah, I'd go along with this. Which is sort of why, although I still like it a lot, it used to be appointment TV and now it's not.
But I think I'd watch Laurie read the phone book, but that's not a cue to give him echolalia and make him do it.
I actually saw very little difference in how those 2 acted. They both had the same mannerisms as House treated them like crap from S1 to S5. The female on his team who now runs the clinic? she seemed the only one with lots of growth.
The female on his team who now runs the clinic?
I hate to say it, but I despise her and weekly would hope something horrific would happen to her so I'd never have to listen to her speechifying again.
I actually thought we would have more stuff about how fucked up Jane is. Not so much in the whole season.
Right? Of course, the last time I wanted a show to be darker, I got season 2 of Eureka.
I pretty much just watch House for Laurie (not so much House so to speak, more of watching an actorly exercise) and Wilson (definitely the character).
Since I've been sloooooowly getting through my box set of "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" it's making things so surreal. I'm sure there are several House fans I could drop that on that would make their heads explode.
Also, I'm completely in love with Stephen Fry's various shaker dances. Those who have seen the series (last two) will know what I mean.
I'd known Laurie before from a number of things, but when I first saw previews for House I didn't even quite recognize him (and I don't remember if he was named in the early previews). When I read it was him it made it a must watch for me. I honestly didn't think it would make it a whole season. Heh.
I figure this must be all somewhat akin to those who knew McShane only from Lovejoy, and then stumbled into Deadwood (smoochies to Erika), only even more extreme.