I wish they could have kept him on if only because he was such a calm voice of reason-- and I think it would have been interesting to let him out in the field more. But Cam has grown on me considerably and I do like the den mother attitude she adopted with the interns last year.
It'd be neat if they brought Dr. Goodman back for a story arc.
The thing with Cam is that she does have to re-assert her authority (in the chain of command sense). She doesn't have that authority in her person, if that makes sense. He very much did.
I liked Dr. Goodman because he was SO calm and so firmly centered on who he was and what he was doing. Also - do you realize he was the only person in the group who had a family? (as in a wife, kids, settled home) Made him a bit more of an adult, where the others often seem like kids with nice salaries.
I miss Goodman, too. I loved his gravitas. I was initially annoyed with Cam, too, because it was such an obvious "Let's give Bones competition for Booth's attention!" thing. But that's actually been less annoying that I thought it would be. The brief rekindling of the romance was handled in a nearly grown-up manner--hiding romances always annoys me--but watching everyone figure it out was fun. And since then they've actually acted like grown-ups who are very fond of each other.
so, I'm watching Saving Grace. I'm getting shades of the Evil Leaper.
Just watched that. (a) weird that the lottery ticket thing came up in Natter today and (b) that whole Matthew storyline seems unnecessary to me. The theology of the show is getting murky.
Yeah, the lottery ticket thing freaked me out a little. I think that it was nice to know that there are other angels out there, and that they don't always succeed.
What y'all say about Cam. I really like her now. It'll be interesting to see what they may now that she has adopted a child (or is on the way to adopt).
This was very grumpy-making last night: my Tivo deleted all the new Closer eps for no apparent reason. Grr. I want to see the Kitty one.
This was very grumpy-making last night: my Tivo deleted all the new Closer eps for no apparent reason. Grr. I want to see the Kitty one.
Sounds like you bought a Tino by accident.