I've been mulling this Bones. The baby thing isn't entirely out of left field. Brennan went a bit googly over the baby that swallowed the safe deposit key several episodes back--the original "Dancing phalanges!" moment.
Did I read it right, that she decided not to have a baby when Booth said he wanted to be involved? Or was it a "We're having a crisis right now, the baby issue needs to be tabled" thing? I don't blame her for having little faith in emotional bonds. I think she acknowledges the bond between herself and Booth, but she doesn't have faith that it would stick in the long term. As many times as they clash over religion and such, it wouldn't be pleasant.
Though I'm curious to hear Max Brennan's reaction to the idea of Booth knocking up his little girl.
edit: And Cam and Angela already in ecstasies of Cute and Buy Stuff!
As many times as they clash over religion and such, it wouldn't be pleasant.
I don't know, though, connie, I think they alluded to that aspect of their relationship during that conversation between Angela and Brennan when Angela pointed out that Seeley was very smart in allowing Brennan to be the smart one in their partnership. That he's good at recognizing what she draws her strength from and kind of gently pointing out that it takes a special kind of strength to do that. And Angela saying that Brennan should reciprocate and let Booth have the thing that he's good at. (It was the ep where she was trying to improve her people/interrogation skills.)
I think it was a big wake-up call for Tempe, maybe not one that she totally believes yet, but it's out there, at least.
On a weird, personal note, I would love to have someone like Lightman in my life. Not the manipulative stuff, of course, but the idea of having no pretense would give me a great sense of calm, I think.
really? I think it would be stressful for me.
the idea of having no pretense would give me a great sense of calm,
Not me either, LeN. I prefer my subconscious only intermittently legible.
There's apparently an on-line course you can take to learn to recognize micro-expressions pretty reliably that only takes an hour or so, but once you learn, you can't turn it off. I'm glad someone out there is figuring this stuff out, but I'm also glad it's not me. Knowing what emotions people are hiding but not why they're feeling them or why they're hiding them seems like it would be enormously stressful.
As for being on the other side of that, I don't know, my initial reaction is that of course I have nothing to hide but I'm sure I've got all kinds of stuff that I don't even consciously know about and maybe it's best it stays that way.
Whoa. Numbers quite surprised me.
Just watched Bones. really good to see that some of the stuff that seemed off had an explanation.
you know, I'd watch a show called Hogins and friends in the lab
There's apparently an on-line course you can take to learn to recognize micro-expressions pretty reliably that only takes an hour or so, but once you learn, you can't turn it off. I'm glad someone out there is figuring this stuff out, but I'm also glad it's not me. Knowing what emotions people are hiding but not why they're feeling them or why they're hiding them seems like it would be enormously stressful.
It's like they say. It's not that hard to figure out that someone is lying, but why they are lying is the key.
Exactly. With the average person telling three lies in a ten-minute conversation, all that figuring out why would be exhausting.