During the clinch between House and Cuddy, my thought was about how completely *disgusting* his mouth and breath must be, even assuming he'd brushed his teeth & showered after his tiny detox. It was a watch from the hall moment, the thought of it was that gross. It would have better if they'd gotten close to kissing and she turned away making some comment about the smell.
I wish they'd find a way to keep Amber around; she's terrific. Her Big Love gig is such a small part, and I can't see her getting room to be anything but consistently creepy over there (tho' maybe the BL writers will surprise us).
Ooooh, you were right! Good call.
Better that than an actual Family Guy crossover, I guess.
And so much for the suspense. Fuck you very much, Fox.
(I mean, not that I didn't have a pretty good guess, but you know...)
Yeah. I should know better than to stay tuned in for previews with Fux.
"You like spacial disorientation, don't you?" So cute!
Awww!!!! Booth getting all verklempt before his surgery.
"Phalanges! Waving phalanges!"
"Phalanges! Waving phalanges!"
That CRACKED me the hell up. And made me think this kid (which I'm pretty sure is going to come to pass) will have the STRANGEST vocabulary.
This sudden mommy thing is a bit hard to swallow, and I hope Brennan gets an "oh that's why" moment like with Booth's hallucinations, but they made me buy this turn of events better than I thought they would.
And Hodgins and the interns continues to be a source of much hilarity.