I liked last night's CSI, the first one with Lawrence Fishburne as a regular. He might be an experienced medical professional, but he's a newbie in the field and they showed that (wearing a tie that gets contaminated with trace evidence, screwing up a simple task like lifting a print). He's also going blind when it comes to dealing with the people (my big issue with this show is the constant dealing with the victims/perps that the CSI people do--they deal with the evidence, damnit, the cops deal with the people!!) and screws that up, too.
It's a good way to start off the non-Grissom era of the show, and I think they might be able to continue it without Peterson.
Waht jersey was Booth wearing in his hallucination? It said Clark on the back.
It was a Philidelphia Flyers shirt, wasn't it?
The writers for Bones need to be taken out behind the woodshed and viciously beat, repeatedly with the 2x4 they insist on smacking the viewers with.
That said, I liked the second ep better and I do like Wendell when he shows up as an intern. He's the one who's had the best back and forth with Hodgins. He's not as naive in matters of life as Zach was, but still needs someone to help him learn the ropes of the lab and investigation.
And I have to admit, I really liked, "We're Booth's people."
New Closer opposite a new House.
Were there 2 hours of the Closer?
Tivo only saw 1.
No, just 1. Then Trust Me.