How long before it shows up on Chuck?
Actually, Bryce was frozen when they brought him back last season.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
How long before it shows up on Chuck?
Actually, Bryce was frozen when they brought him back last season.
But he didn't break apart.
Ew. No. But with any luck, the likelihood that it'll happen again, with the added ew-factor, is hopefully, not high.
Did you see, btw that Bryce is back next week?
Oh yeah.
(Wasn't he in the last scene ?)
Yep. Right behind Sarah as she opened the door.
I also really liked the episode
There were just far too many quibbles I had with this particular ep.
For me, Life is very much not a show that I watch for the procedure, but for the characters.
This, and they all felt so off. I learned quickly that the procedures were the weakest part of the show, but I didn't care, because I like how they were there strictly to illuminate the characters. I also watch for the mood and the pacing, and I'm not seeing that. For now I'm blaming that on the pairing with Heroes, but this ep makes my dislike for the uber-sexed "Dig a Hole" seem like undying affection. There seemed to be too many dumb, cheap laughs, which is not why I watch the show. Case in point, we get dropped a rather pivotal scene between Dani and her father that gets no build-up, and is followed up by a cringe-inducing sitcom scene with Dani's hair stuck in the door.
I'm still hopeful, though.
I love Bones. Angela's question about "Are you just pretending to be a jerk?" to Booth raises the question about what he truly does believe and how much he keeps to himself because he knows that personal beliefs and work don't mix.
I think Booth was being a bit of a jerk as his job and at the same time someone who is perplexed by the vagaries of language and what's acceptable usage when refering to a transgendered individual. It's not something I would think the average person ever spends time thinking about.
Booth seemed pretty comfortable in the church at the end and he seemed quite taken with the thought of redemption being transformative in a literal sense, not just metaphorical.
I think that Booth is a genuinely good guy. He was bothered by the transgender thing, and may have allowed his prejudices to come out in the interview, but it just took him a minute to get there.
I love him shushing Brennan in the church. The episode a couple of seasons back with the dead priest was another very good episode. I've always been very pleased with the way they treat religion.
Hubby's wondering at the increase in message-y eps, with the dog fighting and the transgender things. I guess into your 4th year, you start running out of weird twists on murders. Though they could go deal with the Grave Digger again, people!
Did I see the previews correctly? Nothing new until November?