I can see Zach conspiring to use the camera as a means of getting the sculpture back to Gormagon, but I don't believe he'd connive at anything that would put Bones and Booth in danger. He went with Gormagon out of pure, if flawed, logic, and when Bones pointed out that he hurt himself because he was protecting Hodgins, Zach acknowledged he was working from a flawed position and told everything.
I'm still very sad watching poor, sweet Zach, but it's fun to play "Is he or isn't he."
I think that Gormagon must have recruited him between the camera discovery and the bomb. I don't think that he would have joined Gormagon if he had tried to hurt Brennan, and I don't think that he would have revealed the camera if he'd been the apprentice.
Also, it was Gormagon who tried to kill the lobbyist the first time, so he must not have recruited Zack by then. I also don't think that Zack would have been so callous about putting a child in danger.
Of course, this all assumes that the guy on the motorcycle was Gormagon and not Zack.
this all assumes that the guy on the motorcycle was Gormagon and not Zack
That's what I think, though they were still leaving their options open for suspicion of Hodgins as well, I think.
So, last night, Eric Millegan (Zack) was doing a cabaret at my theatre, so we chatted about the show, got a little gossip.
First, he didn't think that the Gormagon thing was planned before the strike. He had been told that they were going to explore Zack's time in Iraq, and that Zack might die. The Gormagon thing apprentice bit might have been a way to write him off of the show.
Despite being a spoilerphobe, I did learn something about next season:
There was a big backlash to Zack being written out of the show, so the producers have signed him to do some scenes from the hospital. There had been rumours, I think, but Eric confirmed that he will be back.
Gossip right from the horse's mouth. WHO WANTS TO TOUCH ME?
gropes Vortex (that's touching, right?)
Ooh, Vortex - that's very cool. I wonder how they didn't
realize that pulling that out of their asses would cause fan backlash
I think that they underestimated
Zack's popularity.
which is not surprising.
I saw somebody saying, "Oh, they wanted to get rid of the actor because he's openly gay."
I saw somebody saying, "Oh, they wanted to get rid of the actor because he's openly gay."
I doubt that. I didn't get that vibe at all from Eric (I mean, the whole 2 hours we were around each other :) ) I bet that most people didn't even know.