Secondly, I need a bit more of an explanation to parse out how he could turn into a killer and follower of the Gormogon
All season, I had been wondering about Zack coming back from Iraq, and how they were going to play out any consequences of that. Maybe that was what contributed to all of this, but it got cut because of the strike?
Oh, and did anyone else want to just smack Booth upside the head during the bedside interrogation scene?
It was totally in character for him, though.
Man, first Bones shocks the hell out of me and now House is putting me through the wringer. Jeebus, I hate season finales.
I hate to say it, but I'm glad it was Zack because I like Hodgins more (and would hate it was him for Angela's sake), and I think Sweets adds a better dynamic to the team. So - logical.
It was totally in character for him, though.
Exactly. Booth is often eminently smackable. For all values of smacking. Take that as you will.
I thought we were going to get The Rolling Stones there. (When Amber said "Well, you can't always get what you want.")
t cries
Damn it, Show, I was almost ready to give up on you.
I loathed the character, and yet here I am crying. I am easily manipulated.
CTB was well named. I'm going to miss her.
But now we've got hurt, wounded-puppy Wilson woobie! Will he and his twu-wuv, House, be reunited after recriminations and inappropriate mourning around a stripperpole?