Past seasons of Elementary are on Hulu.
'Bring On The Night'
Procedurals 1: Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
AND I'm on it sometimes. If you don't blink.
I've been thinking of dropping Netflix, there's not a lot on there I watch. I shall investigate Hulu.
Elementary!Sherlock mentions that yes, indeed he did think the sun revolved around the earth... when he was a boy.
Whereas most Sherlocks believe that everything revolves around him.
Elementary is also in syndication some olaces.
I am amused and unsurprised that we're getting L&O:Chicago. I wonder how many politicians Philip Winchester will be prosecuting? And will Casey (Chicago Fire) eventually be one of them.
We discuss Sherlock here, right? I have to say I was a big fan of shit-talking Maggie Thatcher.
I just caught the last bit of the eipsode without having seen the rest of it. I spoiled myself. Argh.
(I was not really surprised.)
I liked that the receptionist was the villain. They really do know everything that goes on in an organization, and you should never get on their bad side.
I also kind of liked that Mary, who one would think wouldn't idealize much, could have such an idealistic mental image of John. Meanwhile, John's flirting with other women. Which I didn't like as a general concept, but as something to clearly undercut Mary's idealization of him, I think it worked. And it's just as well that Mary died, because if she lived and found out about Ms. Flirtyface, odds are John would be the one under a gravestone .
I said out loud, "John, don't flirt with other women, ffs, your wife is an assassin. You'll both be dead if she catches you."
sad now.