Am I misremembering or is Chilton more of an idiot in the books than in this series? It's been a while since I read them, but I remember him being pompous, and not nearly as bright as he thinks he is.
I don't really remember him from the books (I don't remember the books well at all, I read them a while ago), but this Chilton is definitely more intelligent than movie!SotL Chilton. He's still ambitious and smarmy, but he's not being led around blind by his ego.
Dear Hannibal writers: Was this episode, like, a prompt fill for "make your loyal viewers say 'fucking EWWWW!'?" Because between cannibal sex and self-cannibalism (I must enjoy myself), you win, okay? You can stop now because you win. And I say this as someone who has been basically okay on the "fucking eww" front up to this point.
Debet, do you mean last weeks episode?
Probably. I just watched it on Hulu.
I was going to say, I was way confused.
Tonight's was new highs in "I can't believe they did that" and/or "I can't believe Hannibal did that."
Sorry. I never seem to watch anything in sync with the world anymore.
"Is he safe?"
"From me, or for you?"
Wow. That was no small exchange.
I want to see ground plans for Hannibal and Chilten's homes. They must be massive. They both seem to have wine storage the size of my living room. And if it weren't for the risk of ending up dead and/or eaten, Hannibal would be a awesome moving buddy.