My more grimly realistic guess would be somewhere into this season's endgame, 2-3 episodes from the finale.
Yeah, that was my thought as well.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
My more grimly realistic guess would be somewhere into this season's endgame, 2-3 episodes from the finale.
Yeah, that was my thought as well.
You don't turn "off" a back up generator when it's not in use. It's not on. Throwing that switch disabled it. I'll give them a pass, but really?
I know, right! Maybe disconnecting the backup generator might have worked, but that's not just pulling a plug.
If you tape together two smartphones, you are going to introduce ambient noise at each set. This means that the evil genius Bad Guy would not have been that clear, and that he would have been able to hear Shaw BOTH times she found a pair of phones.
I thought the same thing. And wouldn't it be easier just to forward the phone?
The Bad Guy has the resources to bug and put a camera in her headset and yet can't deal with everything else?
Yeah, I was confused by that. He can hack into the call system, but can't hack the server?
- Speaking of which, there are no backups for 911 calls? I find that hard to believe.
This is my biggest issue with this whole idea. It would have been a better premise if the idea had been to delete the backup, because that would be harder to do.
If a three year old child is left in a tub for a minute to run downstairs, and that child was underwater and motionless when you came back up, something else happened. Or someone. If it was a simple drowning, 15 seconds of her freezing before CPR would not keep the child from surviving.
Yeah, but "what if"s are a bitch.
How Holy Shit was that opening scene? Damn. I thought they were going to play it as the kind of thing going on in Hannibal's head so the "12 weeks earlier" drew an audible gasp from me.
Me too!
I wonder if Elementary is going to address that chickens like to eat bees.
You mean the heavy-handed metaphor chickens?
I saw this at Tumblr, which made me crack the hell up: [link]
it is the Elementary Season Six season premier
u turn on ur TV
Sherlock and Joan are sitting at the breakfast table, surrounded by a turtle, a bee hive, two chickens, a gazelle, a cow, four cats, a dog, a cornsnake, two foxes, three goats, a lamb, an owl, and an alligator
u realize u have been tricked
u are not watching a police procedural
u have never been watching a police procedural
all this time
u were watching a really really really slow burning show about a petting zoo
That is hilarious!
We Bought a Zoo the Series
You mean the heavy-handed metaphor chickens?
I believe that is the breed, yes.
Aw, crap. Castle is gonna be a cliffhanger, isn't it?
Or not.