has anyone seen "Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries"?
I have, via Netflix, and I've read the books they're based on. I've been enjoying both. The production values in the show are nice, and the lead actress is good. Also, I want her hair cut. (There are a couple more months of growing out my pixie cut before that's an option.) I understand there's a second season in the works, which makes me happy.
I LOVED Miss Fisher! I watched on Netflix, and I pretty much mainlined it in 2 days, and then I was disappointed there was no more. I think I heard Season 2 was already underway in Australia, so I hope we can get them soon.
I think that's what I liked about "House", too.(I'd love a shirt that said "They used to have more respect for cripples...no, they didn't. also)
Person of Interest:
Even though most of us over 30 didn't hear it, the Morse Code was there.
Sherlock: [link]
This "Making Light" thread on Sherlock spoils like a spoilery thing. Not the post itself, which is just a (quite funny) tease, but the comments. (With "Making Light", the rule is: DO read the comments.) However, one thing I can share is that even for TV, Sherlock is incestous. As in the actors, and producers and probably the film crew are personal friends of Moffat, or married to Moffat or related to Moffat's wife and so on. Also, Sherlock started out as fanfic written by Moffat and a friend which they then had the pull to actually turned into a TV series. If Moffat had had equal pull in the film industry it probably would have ended up as a movie rather than a TV series.
Seriously, if you don't mine about hard core spoiers, the comments are really good. And generally, if you read Making Light, the comments are often as good or better than the posts - a major exception to the usual rules on the internet.
by Moffat and a friend
I'm pretty sure Mark Gatiss should get equal blame/responsibility. It's as much his show as Moffat's.
Yup, and it says so in the thread. The blame for that omission is mine, not the commentators on Making Light. Really it is a great comment thread. If you have seen the current season of Sherlock already, or don't avoid spoilers, it is well worth reading. If you are avoiding spoilers, the post itself is good for a chuckle.
I have read the comments, and holy crap! Benedict Cumberbatch's mother was the Fendahl!
Is anyone still watching Castle? It just seems so formulaic these days.
I am. And I would agree with you, it is formulaic lately, but within my personal tolerances.