That bad hair and the accent fooled you. (He is the reason I tried it last week. I can't decide if I want to watch again. Of course, the fact that the character playing the daughter is playing somebody my age makes me slightly more interested. That and their living somewhere in the general vicinity of where my family lived a few years later than that.)
Comedy 1: A Little Song, a Little Dance, a Little Seltzer Down Your Pants
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
OMG, I just watched Dana Carvey's standup special on HBO, and I think I laughed more than I have in a while (some great TDS/TCR double excepted). It's not quite as inspired as his last special (somewhere back in the 90s, which I had randomly pulled out to watch my ancient home-taped VHS copy of a few months back), but it was pretty close. I guess he basically took his career off to raise his kids (which i respect), but I hope he keeps doing standup at the very least.
So, I dug the VB episode a lot. Is the show still a comedy? I'm leaning towards drama-with-humor now.
VB 4.4
Dr. Mrs. The Monarch
Sgt Hatred.
"yeah, scrap the nonlethals, we're going to have to go full on nerf"
I thought it was damn funny, especially the 24/21/Dean/Hank Vs The Moppets bit.
no comments about the last two Venture Brothers eps?
I found myself fast-forwarding through some of the cringeworthy parts of the last episode. And there were a lot of them.
I found myself fast-forwarding through some of the cringeworthy parts of the last episode. And there were a lot of them.
See, I found the cringe-worthy stuff in these hilarious. My DVR is cutting of the beginning of the eps though (I've rectified that problem).
Yeah Frank, I had to set the tivo to start 2 minutes early. Annoying. Can Adult Swim not tell time?
Yeah Frank, I had to set the tivo to start 2 minutes early. Annoying. Can Adult Swim not tell time?
If you go to their web site and try to check the upcoming schedule, they've formatted it in the most annoying, unreadable way possible, so it may be deliberate fuckery on their part.
I dug the cringeworthy parts of the most recent episode. Glad they didn't let Dr Venture get it on with his half-sister, though.
And yeah, Adult Swim's been starting those episodes as much as three minutes early, the fuckers. I had to reprogram the DVR to start that early and keep recording in case they go late.