Troy leaving still makes me cry
No surprise there
'A Hole in the World'
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
Troy leaving still makes me cry
No surprise there
I started a rewatch after watching the Community Table Read, and while I still find the pilot pretty mediocre, I quickly fell right into it and ran through 10 episodes laughing my way through.
I was a little surprised how quickly the first season sucked me right in last week. Part of that is how delightful to recognize firsts and future callbacks, probably.
I'm watching Entertainment Weekly Binges Community videos in between seasons, they are kind of fun - a little visiting with a cast member, a little TV-nerd discussion between critics
Troy and Abed was one of the best television bromances ever.
Huh. The last two episodes of season 5 are completely unfamiliar to me. Is it possible I never saw them? Weird.
SO, season 5 as a whole I kind of halfway like, I think? There are a couple of episodes I really like in their entirety, but most of them I like parts of. I wish Shirley had had more of a storyline. She had some fun stuff to do but her big picture seemed kinda muddled and vague - starting the season with the revelation that Andre had taken the kids and left and just letting that be with no follow up or development is disappointing, especially knowing she won't be back for season 6.
Just started season 6, and it occurs to me that what I mostly remember about it is how hard it was to watch Yahoo Screen, I have very little memory of the actual episodes and what I do remember is snippets more than, say, emotional content so this should be interesting.
Yeah, I think I didn't actually see any of these episodes all the way through when they aired. Streamed. Whatever. THere are definitely scenes I remember but not enough to string together to make any kind of sense. But I'm glad I did now. The finale is really good and sweet. THe season as a whole has a season 1 feel, but also kinda feels like fanfic, and that works for me.
Would stand in line to watch the movie assuming some sort of civilization is happening that allows for that.
I usually am not good at ranking things, but I feel like this is both pretty stable and a satisfying pattern: 3-2-1-6-5-4. I should make that a combination to get into...something.
Finally watched S01E01 of Community last night with DH. Neither of us had ever seen an episode. Anyway, we decided to stick around for more. Our list of never seen television is quite long, but with life of late we are trying new things!
Yay, I hope you both enjoy it