I'm loving Jane the Virgin MUCH more than I expected to.
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I'm loving Jane the Virgin MUCH more than I expected to.
I just started watching Jane the Virgin recently and it is so much fun!! Hopefully I'll be able to catch up on all the episodes I missed.
Rogelio is MY FAVORITE. It's amazing how they can walk the line between adorable and insufferable so well.
The Rogelio actor is marvellous, isn't he? Both the writing and the acting are so perfectly on point for the character. That final scene between him and Jane in the latest ep! My heart grew three sizes bigger.
They've aired 12 episodes so far and I don't think there has been a single bad episode. There were eps where more exciting/aww-inducing things happened, sure, but the quality and tone of the show have been remarkably consistent. And that cast! Not just Rogelio and the Villaneuva women, but all the major and minor supporting characters have been terrific -- not a weak link among them.
I have not been watching it because I am put off by the premise. Is it easy to get past, would you say?
It's a cracky premise, but they deal with it in a thoughtful fashion. Jane and her family, who are devout Catholics, actually discuss abortion as a valid choice she could make, which surprised and pleased me. The show is a great mix of super fast-moving cracktastic plot train + very grounded emotional character work. On a stylistic front, I find it just delightful -- it's got quite a bit of fairy-tale/magic realism touch, and is often hilariously meta.
If you watch the first couple of episodes (I believe they're available online), you'll know immediately whether it's for you or not. It's got a very distinctive voice right off the gate.
Cool, thanks.
I have not been watching it because I am put off by the premise.
I also was put off by the premise and didn't start watching until people were raving about it. Now I am in love with it. I can't decide if the Narrator is my favorite or if Rogelio is.
I like the Narrator, but it wouldn't work if Jane were boring.
I also was put off by the premise and didn't start watching until people were raving about it. Now I am in love with it. I can't decide if the Narrator is my favorite or if Rogelio is.
shrift is totally me in this. I watched the first ep but was too side-eyed to really give it a chance. When people here mentioned liking it, I tried again recently and love it.
Somehow, just like an actual telanova, missing a number of episodes does not make the storyline inscrutable.
I can't remember who the old tyme comedian was who did a routine about how you can watch one episode of a soap were John and Marcia are gazing raptly at each other...go away for a few months, tune in and see John and Marcia in the same exact pose.
JtV is much, much more entertaining, but if you have to skip an ep, you won't be lost.